30 Apr 2014

2014: Ford Golf League, Individual Stableford (30.4.)

Today was the 2nd Round of the Ford Golf League which will be played on a monthly basis throughout 2014. The format was individual stableford and with beautiful sunny conditions the scene was set for some good scores. The greens were in excellent condition but with the tees set back on the front 9 holes good scores were hard to come by, for some of us!
We had 27 members playing today and we said goodbye for the Summer to Kate and Jim Hurley and Peter and Hilda Corbett and our Captain wished them a fond farewell and a safe return later in the year.
No 2´s were recorded today bringing a smile to sponsor Bob Crow´s face!

Nearest the Pins

Hole 4 Dennis Pyman
Hole 8 Jim Hurley
Hole 11 Chris Van Bemmelen
Hole 14 Jim Hurley


5th Place 34 points (Handicap 14) Maurice Buol
4th Place 34 points (Handicap 18) Jim Hurley (Better Back 9)
3rd Place 36 points (Handicap 5) Dennis Pyman
2nd Place 37 points (Handicap 22) Jean Jacques Lavergne
1st Place 42 points (Handicap 28) Santi Hung

Congratulations to Santi and all the winners, great golf. Santi has only just returned to playing after cataract surgery and with these results we´re all booked in to have our eyes done. Santi was so delighted that he invited everyone to his restaurant after the game on the 14th May, very generous Santi!

Dennis, Doris, Clive and Richard are representing the society in the Ford Golf League regional finals at Oliva Nova next Wednesday so the monthly medal will be moved to the 14th and next week we will be playing a team game.