29 Jan 2015

2015: Texas Scramble (28.1.)

Venue:  Bonalba Golf & Spa, 21 January  2015

Today was the last competition organized by our Captain Graham Sutton. His year of Captaincy has come to end. Thank you, Graham, for all your hard work to make it an enjoyable year of golf for everyone!  You were a great Captain!  Now you can relax and concentrate on your golf again!

On the agenda today was Texas Scramble. There was a maximum turnout of 47 players including guests who were playing as part of the teams and they all took part in the winning teams.  The weather, again, was kind to us with temperatures warming up nicely after a cold start.

After golf we held our AGM and welcomed our new President, Neville Woodfine and new Captain, Angel Centenera. The proposal under discussion was for the over 75’s driving off the red tees. The motion passed will be published separately, for the information of all members.

The final event for the outgoing Captain is the Presentation Dinner on 31 January at La Cova when the yearly prizes will be presented.

Nearest the pins:
Hole 4            Kate Hurley
Hole 8            Michael Davison     
Hole 11          Greta Biersteker
Hole 14          John Garnett

There were three two today from Michael Davison, Brian Wakeley and Ken Roles. They all receive the customary golf ball.

The main competition results were:
4th place with a score of 62.5 off 7.5 hcp, Greta Biersteker, Graham Sutton, Chris van Bemmelen, Alan (guest)
3rd place with a score of 60.4 off 7.6 hcp, Ken Roles, Keith Preston, Stephen Grey, Roger Hunger (guest)
2nd place with a score of 60.0 off 8.0 hcp, John Garnett, Dave Davies, Guy Letort, Gordom Burton
1st place with a score of 59.4 off 7.6 hcp, Jim Hurley, Jim Reid, Francois (guest), Patricia (guest)