31 Jul 2015

2015: Indiv. Stableford (29.7.)

Venue: Bonalba Golf & Spa, 29th July 2015

Normally we would arrive at the hottest part of the year at this time, but this year the sizzling summer temperatures have come early and again we played in very hot and humid conditions. But who is complaining? Some members just returning from Northern Europe were happy to get some sun and warmth again after the chilly weather they encountered back home.
The competition today was Individual Stableford. Congratulations go to the winner, Tony, for an excellent win.  He was 4 points ahead of second place, Dennis, who played to par on his low handicap.  Tony is now going back to France for the rest of the summer.  Did I detect some relief on the faces of some of the members when he said his good-byes?  He certainly is a formidable competitior.
As the total of members competing was below 28, only three prizes instead of the normal 5 prizes were given out.  Bad luck, Angel and Graham, no wine for you!

Summarising the results:

Nearest the pins:
Hole 4             Jan Boultbee
Hole 8             Tony Dewavrin
Hole 11           Dennis Pyman
Hole 14           Michael Davison
There were no twos this week.

As for the main competition results:
5th place with 32 points off 22 hcp, Graham Sutton
4th place with 33 points off 25 hcp, Angel Centenera
3rd place with 34 points off 16 hcp, Edi Rogers
2nd place with 36 points off 6 hcp, Dennis Pyman
1st place with 40 points off 15 hcp, Tony Dewavrin