20 Apr 2017

2017: Indiv. Stableford CL Qualif. (19.4.)

Winners of the individual stableford

We had some amazing scores today considering the weather which was not ideal for golf. Thirty members and one guest played in the individual stableford which was the first in the new round of Campbell and Lamont Golf League qualifying competitions. There was a strong cold wind with gusts of up to 35km/h and the sun stayed behind the clouds for most of the morning. Some members felt that it was better to have played early because the wind became stronger throughout the day. Others felt the warmer temperatures helped the later players. Possibly both lines of thought had some value because the winners came from both ends of the draw. Santi went out first at 8.24 a.m. and scored a magnificent 40 points. Well played Santi. What a fabulous score. In the final two groups Eddie Fagg, also with a great score of 39 points, John King,  Edi Rogers and Jan Boultbee scored 37, 36 and 35 points respectively.

As well as the weekly nearest the pins, it was the monthly hidden holes competition and today the front 9 holes had been chosen. As always when the back or front nine holes are selected many of the highest scores are achieved by the winners in other categories making those members ineligible for the sleeve of balls. However, after several eliminations Graham Sutton came out the winner with a score of 19 points beating Greta on countback. What happened on the back nine then Graham?

Greta, our vice captain, who had organised today's competitions reminded us that next week there would be an individual competition and not the team game listed in the diary. It would remain a 'Fun Game' and non qualifying although I am not sure how much fun it will be because we are only allowed to carry and use 4 clubs and a putter. Blame our absent Captain Gordon for this treachery.

Summarising the Results  
Guest Prize: Eric Pages

Nearest the Pin:
Hole 4      Edi Fagg
Hole 8      Jan Boultbee 
Hole 11     Nino Andres
Hole 14     Greta Biersteker
There were no twos today

Hidden Holes:
Graham Sutton 19 points on the front nine

The Main Competition Results were as follows:
5th place:     Jan Boultbee off a handicap of 21 made 35 points
4th place:     Edi Rogers off a handicap of 16 made 36 points
3rd place:     John King off a handicap of 21 made 37 points
2nd place:     Eddie Fagg off a handicap of 13 made 39 points
1st place:     Santi Hung off a handicap of 26 made 40 points