20 Apr 2024

2024: Indiv. Stableford (17.4.)

Venue:  Bonalba Golf & Spa, 17.4.24


Today’s competition was Individual Stableford, which was an overall qualifier, including handicap adjustments with the Spanish Federation.  We had 23 members taking part, 9 players in Division 1 and 14 in Division 2.


Albert Bouchoucha

We were delighted to welcome our new member, Albert Bouchoucha, originally from France.  His handicap puts him into the First Division and he immediately made his mark by becoming second in that Division and also by scoring two nearest the pins.  On hole 11, it was so close that the tape measure had to decide.  Unfortunately, Derek Cruickshank lost out on that occasion.


Congratulations to Gay and Luc, the winners of their respective Divisions, for playing to par and better, and to everyone else on the winners’ board.


The summary of today’s competition is as follows:

Nearest the pin:

Hole 4             Albert Bouchoucha  

Hole 8             Robert Heyens

Hole 11           Albert Bouchoucha

Hole 14           Robert Heyens


There were a total of two birdies today, from Albert on hole 4 and from Karine Sienaert, who was not on the green but chipped in.


Individual Stableford Competition:

1st Division:

2nd place with 35 points off 21 hcp – Albert Bouchoucha

Winner with 37 points off 22 hcp – Gay Brooks


2nd Division: 

2nd place with 33 points off 30 hcp – Graham Sutton

Winner with 36 points off 32 hcp – Luc Verhaegen