Bonalba Golf Club following the society match on that day.
Members are asked to
submit motions correctly proposed and seconded to the Secretary no later than
mid-day Wednesday, 11th January 2017.
Note:- Motions will be
sent to all the members prior to the meeting so that they are all made aware of
the subject in hand. These will be the only motions accepted at the A.G.M.
Proxy vote forms for
those not able to attend the meeting will be issued with the motions on which
you will be asked to vote. These will be submitted in advance to the Secretary
or to the scrutineers on entry to the meeting. Proxy voters should declare
their willingness or otherwise for their proxy holder to vote on their behalf
for any other business that may be raised in addition to the Agenda.
Nominations for the
following offices are required, forms will be placed on the Notice Board in
Bonalba so that any member may propose or second members for these posts.
Should any member not have access to this form then he/she may submit a nomination
correctly seconded and signed by the nominee, to the Secretary.
Captain This position for one year Handicap Secretary This position for one year
Competition Secretary This position for one year
Social Secretary This position for one year
1. Appointment of
Scrutineers.2. Minutes of the Annual General Meeting 2016 and matters arising.
3. Chairman's Report.
4. Financial Report and matters arising.
5. Motions.
6. Election of Officers