18 Aug 2017
2017: Team Game (16.8.)
Today's team game was supported by 23 members - including a welcome return from holiday by our former captain Jan, bearing our newly ordered club caps - and 4 guests, two French, two English.
Another hot day was the backdrop to the round. Perhaps this took its toll on the scoring which, apart from the two top teams, was reasonable but not particularly outstanding. The best three scores counted on the way out, but all four players needed to contribute on the way in. A par score would therefore have been 126 Stableford points, a tough target as the scores below reflect.
At the same time, everyone's score was being recorded so that we could produce two individual winners among the men and the women. Well done to Pascale and, yet again, Keith on achieving the best scores of the day in their respective categories. Congratulations, too, to Michael's team on their winning score, and this despite Michael himself having to play on one leg. Once more our thanks must go to Stan, ably assisted by his faithful Christiane, for dealing with all the scorecards.
The captain reminded members that there is a change in September's routine from Wednesday 20th (Bonalba closed) to the previous Monday 18th. Also he asked that they check they had the new date and venue for the forthcoming Captain's Night clearly in their calendar - Saturday 21st October at the clubhouse.
Watch out everyone, for vice-captain Greta is back next week, raring to grab yet more bottles of wine for herself.
The results:
Nearest the pins:
Hole 4: Brian Hines
Hole 8: Luc Verhaegen
Hole 11: -----
Hole 14: Graham Sutton
Birdie 2: Hole 8, Chris van Bemmelen
Individual Winners:
Women: Pascale Leroux 36 pts, hcp 21
Men: Keith Preston 32 pts, hcp 29
Team Prizes:
3rd: Nino, Stan, Angel, (Christiane, ghost) 105 pts.
2nd: Graham, Brain Wakely, Jan and Laurence 117 pts.
1st: Michael, Jeff, Keith and Christiane 118 pts.