25 Mar 2021

2021: Indiv. Stableford (24.3.)

Venue:  Bonalba Golf & Spa


This Wednesday we had, what seems to be the norm at the moment, a turn-out of 26 players competing for Individual Stableford points. There were again some outstanding results.  Please remember to collect your prizes from the Captain next week, or when you next sign in.

Many congratulations to the winners which were as follows:


Nearest the pin:

Hole 4            Pascale Leroux

Hole 8            Pascale Leroux    

Hole 11          Brian Wakely

Hole 14          Chris van Bemmelen

There were 2 twos today: on hole 4 from Eddy Fagg and hole 8 from Luc Verhagen.  They will receive the customary golf ball.


The Main results were:

1st Division:

3rd place with 37 points off 9 hcp  – Richard Davis

2nd place with 37 points off 16 hcp – Eddy Fagg, with a better back nine to Greta

1st place with 39 points off 20 hcp  – Jim Hurley


2nd Division: 

3rd place with 38 points off 31 hcp  – Luc Verhaegen

2nd place with 40 points off 24 hcp – Brian Hines

1st place with 43 points off 27 hcp  – Robert Heynes