Venue: Bonalba Golf & Spa, 3.3.21
Finally, after 6 weeks of lockdown, Bonalba Golf opened its gates again yesterday and CBGS was back in business. We were very happy to be able to get back into our swing and hit some good balls, thinking of our friends in the UK who are still waiting for the golf courses to open. We had a good turn-out of 26 players and the format was Individual Stableford.
Considering we had quite a break in golf and also, due to hollow tining, the greens were very difficult to putt on, the scores were extremely good. Summary of the results are below.
This was the first competition where we have used the new system of prize awards. Everyone should have had an email at the end of January about the postponed AGM and details of the new reward system. A copy is also published on our website.
Whilst the course is open, the club restaurant is staying shut for the moment, so the plan of our Captain for 2020, Graham, to finally present the Yearly Prizes today on the club terrace, did not materialize. To avoid further delays, he decided to give out the prizes as players were coming off the course and he did so in his usual cheerful manner. Let’s hope that Brian, our Captain for 2021, will be able to carry out his Yearly Prize Presentation under more normal circumstances again.
A full list of the Yearly Prizes 2020 is published separately.
Today’s results were as follows:
Nearest the pin:
Hole 4 Paul van de Broek
Hole 8 Peter van de Mee
Hole 11 Greta Biersteker
Hole 14 Edi Rogers
Richard Davis had a two on hole 4 and received the customary golf ball.
The Main results were:
1st Division:
3rd place with 33 points off 20 hcp – Jim Hurley
2nd place with 33 points off 14 hcp – Michael Davison with a better back 9
1st place with 34 points off 16 hcp – Eddy Fagg
2nd Division:
3rd place with 37 points off 27 hcp – Santi Hung
2nd place with 38 points off 32 hcp – Keith Preston
1st place with 39 points off 25 hcp – Brian Hines