24 Jul 2021

2021: Indiv. Stableford (21.7.)

Venue:  Bonalba Golf & Spa


Today there were 23 players taking part in the Individual Stableford competition.

In Division 1 there were 3 players tied for 3rd place with 35 points.  With places being decided on the best back 9, Michel Le Bogne came out top before Michael Davison and Stan Tarabula.


There is no photo today as the resident photographer is stll away in the UK.


The summary of today’s competition is as follows:

Nearest the pin:

Hole 4            Richard Davis

Hole 8            Pascale Leroux

Hole 11          Graham Sutton

Hole 14          John Garnett

There was one two today from Pascale who putted in on hole 8 for a birdie.


Best Stableford Scores:

1st Division:

3rd place with 35 points off 16 hcp  – Michel Le Bogne

2nd place 36 points off 23 hcp – Maurice Buol

1st place with 37 points off 21 hcp  – Tony Dewavrin


2nd Division: 

3rd place with 31 point off 24 hcp  – Peter van der Mee

2nd place with 32 points off 33 hcp – Moe Farouky

1st place with 38 points off 26 hcp  – Jean-Paul Leroux