26 Nov 2021

2021: Indiv. Stableford (24.11.)

Michael, winner of Stan's Autumn Champagne Challenge

Venue:  Bonalba Golf & Spa


Today’s game was Individual Stableford, for which 22 of our members had entered.  Unfortunately, the recent weather has not been very kind with a lot of rain and thunder and lightening, bringing with it lower temperatures. Also, the rain softened the course which meant that buggies could only be used on the paths.

These difficult conditions may have had an influence on the overall scores today which were notably lower than in previous weeks.  No one reached par and only Graham and Pascale came near with 35 points each.


Today was also the final game and presentation of the Autumn Champagne Challenge, generously sponsored by Stan Tarabula.  Congratulations to Michael Davision, the winner of Division 1 and yours truly, Doris Shearman-Earp, winner of Division 2.  Unfortunately, I was not able to play this Wednesday and attend the prize giving, due to severe back pains.


The summary of today’s competition is as follows:

Nearest the pin:

Hole 4            Richard Davis

Hole 8            Santi Hung

Hole 11          nobody

Hole 14          Edi Rogers


There was on birdie, on hole 8. It came from Brian Hines, whose shot was slightly longer than Santi’s but managed to hole it for a 2.


Stableford Competition:

1st Division:

3rd place with 30 points off 14 hcp – John Garnett

2nd place with 31 points off 10 hcp – Richard Davis

1st place with 32 points off 21 hcp  – Edi Rogers


2nd Division: 

3rd place with 29 points off 27 hcp  – Brian Wakely

2nd place with 35 points off 25 hcp – Pascale Leroux

1st place with 35 points off 26 hcp  – Graham Sutton with a better back 9