26 Jun 2022

2022: Indiv. Stableford (22.6.)

Venue:  Bonalba Golf & Spa



We had 26 members taking part in today’s Individual Stableford competition which qualified for all Society competitions and handicap adjustments.

A thunderstorm the previous evening had brought temperatures down a little which gave us more comfortable playing conditions.


Congratulations to Stan, Robert, Chris and Brian.  In both Divisions the results were very close and had to be decided by count-back on the back 9.


After prize giving we were treated to a glass of cava by our Captain Robert to celebrate his 60th birthday. Thank you Robert and Many Happy Returns – you don’t look a day over 50!


The summary of today’s competition was as follows:

Nearest the pin:

Hole 4            Eddy Fagg

Hole 8            Chris van Bemmelen

Hole 11          Brian Hines

Hole 14          Robert Heyens


There was no two today.


1st Division:

2nd place with 38 points off 21 hcp – Robert Heyens

1st place with 38 points off 23 hcp – Stan Tarabula, winning on countback


2nd Division: 

2nd place with 36 points off 24 hcp – Brian Hines

1st place with 36 points off 27 hcp  – Chris van Bemmelen, winning on countback