Winners Stableford |
Venue: Bonalba Golf & Spa
Today we played Individual Stableford which qualified for all Society competitions but not for handicap purposes, which seemed to be a shame for some of the members.
Please remember, that a player can ask Richard to enter his card for handicap reduction, even if the competition is officially a non-qualifier.
19 cards were processed, with an even split of the two Divisions of 10 in Division1 and 9 in Division 2. There were some outstanding results, especially in Division 1. Bob Crow with 37 points only came third, behind Tony and Pascale.
Congratulations to them and also to Chris and Ignace in Division 2.
Today was also the presentation of the Summer Cava Challenge, sponsored by Stan and Christiane Tarabula. This will now be presented next Wednesday, as Stan was not able to attend today.
After 4 weeks’ holiday, we were very happy to welcome back our Captain Robert and his wife Lief.
On a sad note, we want to convey our sincere condolences to our Handicap Secretary Greta and her family for the recent loss of her father.
Winners Nearest the Pin |
Nearest the pin:
Hole 4 Moe Farouky
Hole 8 Pascale Leroux
Hole 11 Ignace Boesmans
Hole 14 Ernst Stecher
There were 3 twos today, on hole 4 from Moe and Ignace and on hole 8 from Pascale. They received the customary golf ball.
Also, Santi was awarded with two well deserved golf balls for nearest to pin the previous week at Font del LLop.
Stableford Competition:
1st Division:
2nd place with 39 points off 23 hcp – Tony Dewavrin
1st place with 41 points off 24 hcp – Pascale Leroux
2nd Division:
2nd place with 35 points off 26 hcp – Ignace Boesmans
1st place with 36 points off 27 hcp – Chris van Bemmelen