Venue: Villaitana
Golf, 18 January 2017
This was the last of our Away-Day qualifiers for the
Bill Williams Away-Day Trophy 2016 and what a day it turned out to be! The weather forecast had predicted Nordic
temperatures and rain and consequently, from the 40 players originally on the attendance list,
7 cried off the day before and 3 on arrival at Villaitana leaving 25 members
and 5 guests braving the icy conditions.
Although the course was in very good condition, the
fact that the players were hindered in their mobility by having to wear every
piece of clothing possible, made it virtually impossible to achieve good
scores. It raises the question, does the
“Michelin Man” play golf?! 30 points gave you top of the leaderboard. 3 players achieved this and could only be separated on countback of the back 9. Congratulations to the winner John and to Stan and Maureen coming second and third and indeed to everyone who stood the course. Our out-going Captain Jan was beaten for 5th place on the back 9 by the in-coming Captain Gordon.
Back at the Club House, the round of drinks on this occasion contained quite a few glasses of brandy helping the thawing out process and with everyone being in high spirit, made it a somewhat jolly prize giving at which John, on behalf of the Captain, thanked everyone for not only playing today but also staying on for the prize giving and by doing so giving their much appreciated support to the Captain.
Summarising the results:
It was good to see Helmut back after a year away for
health reason and win, on this occasion the guest prize. He will be back as a
member in 2017.
Nearest the pin:
3 Jan BoultbeeHole 8 Michael Davison
Hole 12 Richard Davis
Hole 14 John Garnett
There were 3 twos today, from Ricky,
Richard and John G. They received the customary golf ball.
The main competition results were as
5th place with 26 points off 28
hcp – Gordon Burton4th place with 27 points off 9 hcp – Richard Davis
3rd place with 30 points off 19 hcp – Maureen Fanti
2nd place with 30 points off 18 hcp – Stan Tarabula
1st place with 30 points off 11 hcp – John Garnett