6 Feb 2019

Wednesday Duty Rota Guide

A big thank you to those members who have kindly volunteered to help out with morning duties on our competition days.
Here is a reminder of what needs to be done when it is your turn:

·       Arrive early, 8 to 8.10 a.m.

·       Start sheets, nearest the pin markers, cards and bottles will be in Richard’s office

·       Cards go in box on tee 1 (or perhaps handed out by you if you wish)

·       Make sure previous names on markers have been erased

·       Give markers to first group, and stay around on tee1 with the starter in case of questions about the day’s format (sometimes may need to liaise with tee10 as well.)

·       You will probably be placed in last group out – if so, you can bring in the markers; if not, remind members in last group to do so

·       Make note of winners (needed by writer of blog, usually Doris), and award the winners their bottles in bar or balcony area

·       Return markers and unclaimed bottles (labelled with name and date) to upstairs cupboard (key on Richard’s desk)