Since my last episode I now have gone into production as you can see from the photo.
The head band is ALICE‘S BAND. Smokey sang about her in 1972 - I just happened to be “living next door”. Unfortunately she had a smaller head than me which is not difficult. After spending my working life surrounded by manual filing systems the face cover was one of the millions of obsolete filing pages which have been taken over by the blxxxy internet. First game of golf last Thursday. You people in Spain need to be patient .The UK government are much quicker at decision making than the Spanish because they rely on BORIS and Scientists in reverse order.Your turn will come on Monday next. I could not wait to experience the aftermath and true to life all the bad shots were not only visible but continuous. It is called CONSISTENT The Line Dancing in the Supermarket queue still has not taken off but it works to my advantage because when people see me coming they leave the queue and I don’t have to wait. When the girl at the Supermarket check-out saw my boxes of Stella Artois she asked me if I had tried Alcoholics Anonymous but I told her that I was not a quitter. She then asked if I knew when I had had enough and I told her that it was when my cans were empty. Advertised for a woman with a “foot fetish” to replace my Chiropodist who is isolated and low and behold she turned up and cut my toe nails. Mind you,true to form, she wasn’t cheap. Ryanair still never fail. They do not know the difference between a cash refund and a credit and I am still working on them. Still in training for the next Olympics with KILLER SODUKO. Watch the internet for my new Bank I am forming. It’s purpose will be for customers to invest all their money with me at no or less than no interest rates and get nothing in return. It’s a bit like now. Well it’s time to fast forward all News for today and get back to black and white films on television. BUT it will be worth the increase in Licence Fee coming up. Stay safe. Ray Prudhoe.