14 Aug 2020

2020: Indiv. Stableford (5 & 12 August)

Venue:  Bonalba Golf & Spa, 5 and 12.8 2020


This is a summary of the competitions for the last two weeks. The format of both was Individual Stableford which qualified for handicap adjustments and all other Society competitions. There was a prize presentation on the 5th for the winners of the previous and this week. The results for the 22 July was published in a previous post and winners for the 5th August were as follows:


From the 22 players competing, the following came out the winners:

5th place with 35 points off 16 hcp – Dennis Pyman, beating James Burnett for 5th place on the pack 9

4th place with 36 points off 12 hcp – John Garnett

3rd place with 36 points off 25 hcp  – Chris van Bemmelen, beating John on the back 9

2nd place with 38 points off 12 hcp – Greta Biersteker

1st place with 38 points of 14 hcp  – Dave Tomlins


There were 2 twos today:

John Garnett on hole 4 and Geta Biersteker on hole 8.


The results for 12 August again showed some very good scores. There were 21 of us competing and the winners were as follows:

5th place with 35 points off 16 hcp – Eddy Fagg

4th place with 36 points off 12 hcp – Michael Davison

3rd place with 37 points off 13 hcp  – Dave Tomlins

2nd place with 38 points off 25 hcp – Santi Hung

1st place with 40 points of 22 hcp  – James Burnet


There were no twos recorded today.


There was no prize giving today, but some of us stayed behind to have a farewell drink with David Payne, who is moving back to the UK.  He and his wife Linda have very much enjoyed their stay in Spain but a new addition to the family is playing a big part in their decision to return to England.  Apparently, David wants to make sure that the little guy is properly brought up in “Arsenal” colours.

We will miss David’s ever cheerful presence on the golf course and hope, he and Linda will be able to come and visit us, as intended, in times to come.

Our best wishes go with David and his family.