30 Apr 2021

2021: Indiv. Stableford (28.4.)

Venue:  Bonalba Golf & Spa, 28.4.21


This week’s competition format was Individual Stableford.  We had 27 members playing in very pleasant conditions.  The course is in good shape with lush grass, helped by the recent rainfalls.  

Again, there were some excellent scores in both divisions.  Congratulations to everyone.


Nearest the pin:

Hole 4            Eddy Fagg

Hole 8            Chris van Bemmelen

Hole 11          Kate Hurley 

Hole 14          Tony Dewavrin

There were 2 birdies recorded, on hole 11 from Michael Davison and from Tony on hole 14.


The Main results were:

1st Division:

3rd place with 37 points off 20 hcp  – Tony Dewavrin, beating Pascale for 3td place on the back 9

2nd place with 38 points off 19 hcp – Jim Hurley

1st place with 39 points off 16 hcp  – Eddy Fagg


2nd Division: 

3rd place with 37 points off 32 hcp  – Doris Shearman-Earp

2nd place with 38 off 24 hcp – Robert Heynes

1st place with 40 points off 26 hcp  – Santi Hung