It is with great sadness to have to announce that Neville Woodfine passed away last Tuesday, the 11 May after a long illness, at his home near Newcastle upon Tyne. Unfortunately, cancer got the better of him.
Neville will always be remembered for his kindness and generosity. which made him a lot of friends in the Costa Blanca Golf Society and elsewhere. He was a founder member of our Society, serving as Captain, Treasurer and President over a time span of almost 30 years. When his failing health forced him to resign as President, he was awarded a well-earned Life Membership of our Society.
Neville and Sandra moved back to the UK at the end of 2019 to be with their family, having lived for many years in various places on the Costa Blanca. We all remember the emotional farewell at the Bonalba Golf Club before their departure to the UK. Also, many of us remember with fondness the generous hospitality of Neville and Sandra, both making sure that we were well looked after and enjoying ourselves.
Our thoughts are with Sandra and family and we wish to convey our sincerest condolences to them. Neville's funeral service will take place on Friday, 21 May at 12.30 UK time.
Dear NEVILLE, may you Rest in Peace!