12 Aug 2021

2021: Texas Scramble (11.8.)

Venue:  Bonalba Golf & Spa, 11.8.


Today we had 5 teams of 4, playing Texas Scramble.  Each player had to make 4 drives.  This team game was a welcome change from the Singles competitions, as the demands on the individual player to play well on each hole was not so great and therefore made the golf a bit more relaxing, which was very welcome in the very hot and humid weather conditions.

First place was hotly contested, as there was only 0.1 point difference between first and second place.  Congratulations to all the winning teams.



We also toasted Stan and Greta, wishing them a belated Very Happy  Birthday.  Stan’s birthday was on Monday and Greta’s on Tuesday.  Together  they treated us to cava and tapas, which was very much appreciated and a sparkling time was had by all who stayed behind for the prize presentation.


The summary of today’s competition is as follows:

Nearest the pin:

Hole 4            Moe Farouky

Hole 8            Eddy Fagg

Hole 11          Graham Sutton

Hole 14          nobody


Best Team Scores:

3rd place with a net 65.2 off 9.8 hcp – Greta Biersteker, Robert and Lief Heyens, Moe Farouky

2nd place with a net 63.8 off 8.2 hcp – Richard Davis, Edi Rogers, Tony Dewavrin, Keith Preston

1st place with a net 63.7 off 9.3 hcp  – Brian Hines, Eddy Fagg, Stan and Christiane Tarabula