6 Aug 2021

Costa Blanca League

Fellow golfers,


Since the appearance of the virus, the Costa Blanca league organization has had to constantly adapt.

Likewise, the associations found themselves in a shortage of players because of the confinement obligations (the players remained blocked outside of Spain).


I think this year will be more favorable and here is what has been decided for the next season 2021/2022 :


1 - Number of participating teams : 11

2 - Team distribution : only one league

3 - Each team is made up of : 8 players


4 - Planning for 2021 :

September : 23rd at Villaitana

October : 28th + 29th at Oliva Nova

November : 18th + 19th at El Saler

December : 3rd TBC


There will be 11 months of fixtures with all teams receiving one “bye” month so 10 matches for each team.


5 - Teams :




French Amigos




Costa Blanca GS



Oliva Nova (Mixture Of Societies)


6 – Captain :

Players interested in participating in the CBGS League are requested to contact Stan by email or WhatsApp

Don't delay September will be here very soon.