29 Dec 2022

2022: Texas Scramble (28.12.)

                                     Group Texas Scramble 28.12.22

Please find the results of last Wednesday Texas Scramble:

The last society playing day of the year was with a small amount of members playing but having a lot of fun. The weather was nice.

We only had 2 nearest to the Pin and this was for Santi on hole 8 and for EDI on hole 14. The tees where soo far behind that we were lucky to have someone on the green!

Then on the results we had the runner up team:Jan & Tony with a net score of 71.

Winning team for the day was John and Robert with a very good net score of 67. The putting skills of John was above average 👏

Stan offered us all a cava to drink on the next year. Thanks Stan!

Below some foto's of the winners and the players from this game.

Rest me only to wish everyone a healthy and super year end and 2023. May we see each other many time in the next year. 👍 
