2022 Individual Stableford competition 21.22
19 members signed up but due to various reasons and illnesses we had on the day itself 5 cancellations. But the die-hards kept going 👊
On the par 3's we had the following winners sponsored this time by Tony D with 4 bottles of Cava:
Hole 4: Marcel B
Hole 8: Jan B
Hole 11: No one but the raffle gave Greta a bottle of Cava
Hole 14: your own Captain 😅
Then in division 2 with had:
Runner up with 36 points: Santi H
and the winner was: Jan B with 40 points (well done!9
In division 1 we had the following winners:
Runner up with 36 points: Marcel B
and the winner with an incredible score of 41 points: Tony D!
We also had 1 two ball on hole 4 by Marcel B¨
see you all next week and if not, Happy holidays and stay healthy!