17 Mar 2023

2023: St. Patrick's Day 2023 (15.3.)

Venue:  Bonalba Golf & Spa


This Wednesdy we celebrated St. Patrick’s Day, a yearly competition sponsored very generously by our Irish friends, Jim and Kate Hurley. 


As always, it was a fun day enjoyed by 25 members and 9 guests.  The format was Individual Stableford, which also qualified for all Society competitions and handicap adjustments.  There were lots of prizes.  The main competition counted for members only, but the other prizes were open to everyone.


Although this was only March, the weather conditions were unusually good, making it a very enjoyable round of golf.


After golf, 43 members and guests attended an Irish themed lunch in the Club restaurant, during which the prizes were presented.

As main course, we enjoyed a tasty Irish Stew, washed down, among other drinks, with some good Irish Beer, and listening to Irish music, which, later on, encouraged some members to try out Irish dancing, expertly taught by Kate.  

Finally, as on many occasions, we persuaded our resident singer, Graham to take up the microphone and give us his rendition of “Danny Boy”.


See photos in the blog Gallery.


The results of the day were as follows:

Nearest the pin:

Hole 4 (Ladies only)             Andrea Straus

Hole 4 (all others)                nobody

Hole 8 (Men 22+ hc)            Pascal Guy (guest)

Hole 8 (all others)                Eddie Fagg

Hole 11 (all players)             Michael Davison

Hole 14 (all players)             Marie Paul (guest)

There were no twos.


Best back 9 – Richard Davis with 20 points off 10 hcp

Best guest – Francois Salardaine with 33 points

Longest drive men:  Marcel Barink

Longest drive ladies:  Isabel (guest)


The main competition:

Men Div.1:

2nd place with 35 points off 22 hcp – Robert Heyens

1st place with 36 points off 18 hcp  – Marcel Barink

Men Div.2:

2nd place with 35 points off 30 hcp – Graham Sutton

1st place with 41 points off 25 hcp  – Ignace Boesmans



3rd place with 36 points off 45 hcp  – Lief Heyens

2nd place with 38 points off 22 hcp – Andrea Strauss

1st place with 40 points off 24 hcp  – Jan Boultbee