8 Sept 2023

2023: Monthly Medal (6.9.)

Venue:  Bonalba Golf & Spa


 This Wednesday we played our September Medal Maximum Score which qualified for handicap adjustments.  As members were returning from their summer break, we had a good attendance of 26 members and 1 guest.


Normally Medals are sponored by Michael Davison but on this occasion our sponsors  were Tony and Heidi Dewavrin.


When Tony and Heidi offered sponsorship for this Medal competition, I am sure they did not expect to both win their respective Divisions, and not only that, they both had the same magnificent score of minus 7.  As they were the sponsors, they decided to award the prizes to the second and third places, to the delight of Derek and Graham.

Congratulations to everyone, and especially to Tony and Heidi.


As with the last medal, we again had a lunch at the Bonalba Restaurant, which was taken up by 22 members and guests.

New inhabitants in the lake holes 10/18

The summary of today’s competition is as follows

Nearest the pin:

Hole 4             Derek Cruickshank              

Hole 8            Derek Cruickshank  

Hole 11          Richard Davis           

Hole 14          Brian Hines


There was one two recorded, by Brian Hines who putted in for his birdie on hole 14.


Medal Competition:

1st Division:

3rd place with a net 69 off 20 hcp – Derek Cruickshank

2nd place with a net 69 off 15 hcp – Eddy Fagg, beating Derek on the back 9

Winner with a net 65 off 22 hcp – Tony Dewavrin


2nd Division: 

3rd place with a net 71 off 30 hcp – Graham Sutton

2nd place with a net 70 off 29 hcp – Brian Wakely

Winner with a net 65 off 33 hcp  – Heidi Dewavrin