25 Feb 2024

2024: Indiv. Stableford (21.2.)

Venue:  Bonalba Golf & Spa


Having played from the blues tees for everyone last Wednesday, today we were back to Individual Stableford from the normal tees, yellow for the men and red for the ladies.  However, it is always possible for the men to play from the blue tees, providing Richard Davis is informed beforehand.


After 5 cancellations, we ended up with 16 players.  Division 1 had a big turnout of 11 players, against only 5 players in Division 2.

The last minute cancellations caused a lot of rearranging which meant that we could not use Golfdirecto, which would havd made the final results listing much easier than entering all the results manually into the computer.


If you have to cancel, would you please do so before the deadline on Master Sccoreboard which is on Mondays at 12.00 pm.


All in all, overall results were much better than last week’s.  

Many congratulations to everyone.


The summary of today’s competition is as follows:

Nearest the pin:

Hole 4   (ladies only)            nobody           

Hole 8   (ladies only)            Pascale Leroux

Hole 11 (men only)              Michael Davison

Hole 14 (men only)              Santi Hung


There were two birdies today, both from Michael Davison, on holes 11 and 14, awarding him two of Bob’s balls.

Well done, Michael.


Individual Stableford Competition:

1st Division:

2nd place with 35 points off 23 hcp – Jim Hurley

Winner with 36 points off 13 hcp – Marko van den Berg


2nd Division: 

2nd place with 33 points off 33 hcp – Kate Hurley

Winner with 38 points off 31 hcp – Doris Shearman-Earp