Venue: Bonalba Golf & Spa
Today we played another Individual Stableford competition which was an overall qualifer. We had 19 members and 1 guest attending, and this time, compared to last week, the balance between Division 1 and 2 players was equal.
In view of the upcoming League Match on Friday, the Captain teamed up the pairings for that match to give them some practice playing together, and the extra motivation showed in the scores. There were some excellent results in both Divisions.
Congratulation to everyone and good luck to the Team!
The summary of today’s competition is as follows:
Nearest the pin:
Hole 4 Michael Davison
Hole 8 Marko van den Berg
Hole 11 Derek Cruickshank
Hole 14 Cameron (guest)
There were three birdies today, both, Michael and Derek putted in from Nearest, and on hole 8 it was Brian Wakely.
Individual Stableford Competition:
1st Division:
2nd place with 37 points off 19 hcp – Derek Cruickshank
Winner with 40 points off 14 hcp – Michael Davison
2nd Division:
2nd place with 36 points off 29 hcp – Karen Cruickshank
Winner with 40 points off 31 hcp – Karine Sienaert