4 Jul 2019

2019: Monthly Medal (3.7.)

Some of today's prize-winners with plenty of bottles
A much reduced field of members - 27 - braved the scorching weather on Wednesday morning as they set out to bid for the honour of a monthly medal prize. Given the hot conditions, the players perhaps all deserved a medal; unfortunately only one was available.

Freshly returned from his antipodean meanderings, Graham Sutton fulfilled the role of duty monitor for the day, checking people off on his clipboard, handing out the cards and, after play, having a few cheery words as the prizes were announced to players on the balcony. Thank you, Graham.

Unsurprisingly, a broad range of net scores can be seen on MasterScoreboard's results page, but the list is headed by a great top result of 67 from Brian Hines. After recent injury problems Brian is obviously well on the way to regaining his form, and fully deserved this month's medal. Congratulations to him, and to the others in the top 5 whose scores were close to par - 2 of them under and 2 of them just over.

The results are detailed below:

Nearest the Pins:
Hole 4: Brian Hines
Hole 8: Stan Tarabula
Hole 11: Pascal Guy
Hole 14: John Webber

Birdie 2s:
Hole 4: Brian Hines
Hole 8: Nino, Stan and Brian Wakely

Individual Prizes:
5th place:  74 strokes off hcp. 9:  Eric Pagès
4th place:  73 strokes off hcp. 5: Nino Andres Aloras
3rd place: 70 strokes off hcp. 19: Stanislas Tarabula
2nd place: 70  strokes off hcp. 25; Pascal Guy (better back 9)
1st place: 67 strokes off hcp. 23: Brian Hines