15 Oct 2021

2021: Indiv. Stableford (13.10.)

Venue:  Bonalba Golf & Spa


This Wednesday’s competition was Individual Stableford which qualified for all Society competitions and also for the Worldwide Handicap System.

We had a good turn-out of 32 players, which included 5 guests.


The course is getting busy again with many visitors and buggies are in great demand.

Therefore, please note all members who require a buggy, cannot book individual but now need to share.  Our Captain is trying his best to accommodate everyone who needs a buggy.


There were some magnificent results again, way above par, in both Divisions.  The best overall result came from Peter, scoring 42 points.

Congratulations to him and everyone else on the winners’ board.


The summary of today’s competition is as follows:

Nearest the pin:

Hole 4            Luc Verhaegen

Hole 8            Stan Tarabula

Hole 11          Brian Wakely

Hole 14          Eddy Fagg


Eddy also made the birdie on hole 14.


Stableford Competition:

1st Division:

3rd place with 33 points off 15 hcp – John Garnett

2nd place with 40 points off 15 hcp – Michael Davison

1st place with 40 points off 14 hcp  – Eddy Fagg, who narrowly beat Michael on count of the last 6.


2nd Division: 

3rd place with 36 points off 24 hcp  – Maurice Buol

2nd place with 37 points off 27 hcp – Jan Boultbee

1st place with 42 points off 25 hcp  – Peter van de Meer