23 Oct 2021

2021: Indiv. Stableford (20.10.)

Venue:  Bonalba Golf & Spa


This Wednesday’s competition was Individual Stableford which qualified for all Society competitions and also for the Worldwide Handicap System.

We had a good turn-out of 28 members and 1 guest.


It seems to be the norm at the moment that you need to score around 40 points to be on the winners’ list.  The best score today came from Doris, closely followed by Johnny G and Helmut.  Even if I say so myself, well played Doris, and, of course, John, Helmut, Michael, John Brook and Heidi.


Before we come to the summary of today’s results, here is the latest stand of the ongoing Society competitions, the full results of which can be found on Master Scoreboard.  These competitions will finish in January 2022.

Eclectics:  There are only 3 strokes between the first 6, Richard, Michael, Eddy F, Tony, Helmut and Robert.

Consistency Chart Div. 1:  Michael has a good lead, but there is still a chance for Eddy F and Richard.

Consistency Chart Div. 2 :  Pascale is in the lead, closely followed by Doris and Chris.

Ladies Championship:  Pascale is in the lead, closely followed by Doris and Greta.

Stan’s Autumn Champagne Challenge:  There is one more month to go.  At present, in Div.1, Michael is in the lead, followed by Eddy F and Richard.  In Div. 2, Doris is in the lead, followed by Jean-Paul.


So, good luck and play well to all contestants!


The summary of today’s competition is as follows:

Nearest the pin:

Hole 4            Dave Tomlins

Hole 8            Michael Davison

Hole 11          Trish Kelleher

Hole 14          John Garnett


There was one birdie, from Anne Brook who chipped in on hole 8.


Stableford Competition:

1st Division:

3rd place with 37 points off 14 hcp – Michael Davison

2nd place with 40 points off 16 hcp – Helmut Treiber

1st place with 41 points off 15 hcp  – John Garnett